Page 6 - Katalog GARDENBOOM_ENG
P. 6

XCU Technology POLYON Technology Properties of the Nutrients

The technology comprises the use of packed con- Nitrogen - N
The technology of coated fertilisers provides for 
trolled-release fertilisers allowing for gently-release Nitrogen is a nutrient important to generally support long-standing release of nutrients for several 
of nutrients. The technology is unique because of the lawn growth. The supply of this nutrient is impor- months. The technology uses the outside poly- 
using inside polymer coat protecting the urea gra- tant for the lawn from the beginning of vegetation till mer coat combined with green pigment protecti- 
nule. The outside layer of the granule is encased the beginning of autumn. The application of a ferti- ng the urea granule.

with a thin layer of sulphur and that everything is liser having a higher nitrogen rate should be limited Once again, the jacket is activated by soil humi- 
covered by a wax layer with XCU green pigment.
in the autumn period. Alternative fertilisers should be dity, but further nutrient are released due to tem- 
used for this period with reduced nitrogen levels.
perature without being influenced by humidity.
This structure of the jacket makes a consistent and 
more durable granule whose stronghold is impor- Phosphorus - P
tant both when being made and when applied. In Phosphorus supports the growth and development 

fact, its stronger coat guarantees slower release of of the grass-root system. Choosing a product with 
the nutrients for even 10 weeks. The activation and high phosphorus is important for the germination 
progressively releasing nutrients come up accor- of newly sown seeds or the regenerating of lawns.
ding to humidity and temperature.
Potassium - K
Regularly supplying potassium gives a high resistan- 

ce and tolerance of the lawn to stress conditions, e.g. Sulphur
Polymer coat
high temperatures in summer. A higher potassium 
rate is very important also when preparing the lawn 
for winter, as it helps strengthen the cells of the plant. 
Potassium is also important in root development.

Magnesium - MgO
It favourably inluences the lawn colour and thus its Polymer coat
aesthetical appearance and integrity.

Main Properties of Garden Boom Fertilizers are these

• Reliable way of distributing of nutrients thanks to using XCU and POLYON technologies
• Gently release over a period of several weeks and possible up to nearly several months
• Fine granule-size
Reducing the amount of nutrients more efficient uptake 
• leaching out, with for the lawn 
• Minimum risk of burning the grass
• Progressive and regular grass-growing 
• Supporting the root system
Was layer with XCU green pigment


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